Category: Uncategorized

How to do Facebook Ads the right way

Facebook ads have been a goldmine for many digital marketers. Some have become multi-millionaires just by running successfully running Facebook ads driving traffic to high-ticket funnels or products. But for those who do not know how to properly set-up Facebook ads, it comes back to throwing money in the wind. Facebook will accept your hard-earned […]

How to use tags to increase your video ranking on YouTube

Tags for video ranking are simply keywords that YouTube allows you to attach to your video By choosing the right keywords for your Video title, description and tags, you will insure that your video gets the best ranking it can by YouTube’s search engine. In order to successfully choose the right keywords for your video, […]

How to use TubeBuddy to find keywords and tags to rank your videos on top

TubeBuddy can be added to your Chrome extension to boost your videos” ranking on Youtube and get more traffic This very cool video ranking booster has a very powerful free version. You can install it on your Chrome browser in one easy and fast click. Start with its powerful keyword research tool to help you […]

How to rank best for S.E.O.

How to rank best for S.E.O. Search engines optimization or S.E.O. is the science of ranking your website or blog in the search engines. The principle of S.E.O. is to give the user a good experience and get results for their search that is relevant and offer complete and useful information. It is the equivalent […]

Why didn’t Robert Kiyosaki call his book Rich Mom Poor Mom?

Why didn’t Robert Kiyosaki call his book Rich Mom Poor Mom? With so many single mothers supporting their families, one can wonder why Robert Kiyosaki author of Rich Dad Poor Dad did not mention mothers in his title. There might have been many reasons why Robert Kiyosaki chose to name his book and his event […]