Why didn’t Robert Kiyosaki call his book Rich Mom Poor Mom?
Why didn’t Robert Kiyosaki call his book Rich Mom Poor Mom?
With so many single mothers supporting their families, one can wonder why Robert Kiyosaki author of Rich Dad Poor Dad did not mention mothers in his title.
There might have been many reasons why Robert Kiyosaki chose to name his book and his event The Rich Dad Summit:
- His father might have been the greatest influence in his financial upbringing.
- He is from a generation where mothers were not supposed to talk about money.
- Maybe his mother thought him everything he knew about finances but he wanted to grab a wider audience.😊
- Maybe his Dad and other male figures are the ones who showed him financial wisdom.
We can certainly say that in today’s modern world, many mothers are the ones showing financial wisdom to their children. The lessons from those mothers are as valuable as if they were thought by a father figure. Many self-made millionaire women are generously mentoring other women to help them achieve financial freedom.
Even if Robert Kiyosaki writes a sequel to Rich Dad Poor Dad that is called Rich Mom Poor Mom, the principles are the same. Parents should discuss money with their children and teach them everything they know about finances like it is thought in the Rich Dad Summit that you can access here for 1$!