How to rank best for S.E.O.
How to rank best for S.E.O.
Search engines optimization or S.E.O. is the science of ranking your website or blog in the search engines. The principle of S.E.O. is to give the user a good experience and get results for their search that is relevant and offer complete and useful information.
It is the equivalent of a savvy librarian who would always get you the most relevant and complete book on the subject you request. She would then bring you other books or movies that she thought would be answering your query.
But wait, our librarian is not perfect. She is receiving some commissions if she presents you some books in the first place. Those are the equivalent to the ads that are always the top 2 or 3 spots in your search results.
Our librarian is very knowledgeable and if you are stuck, she can help you. Let’s say you have a term paper on deforestation to do, she will suggest sub categories for you. These are the suggestions you get when you type into the search box in the search engine for your main keywords.
Once you like a keyword, which is actually more than one word, you can use it in your page or post title. Long keywords have a better chance of ranking your page well as let’s say one keyword like “golf” is taken by a huge site that has been around for a very long time and has lots of links to it.
The search engines aim at providing a great experience for the visitors and will therefore offer by order of what they consider to be the most relevant all the sites. Unfortunately, if your site does not rank on the first page of the search engines, it is rare that people go beyond the first page of the search results.
If you have a website or blog that is about a business, it is easier to rank well in the search engines by adding your location in your keywords.
Some factors to consider in SEO for your website:
- Your site is secured with an SSL certificate. SSL certificates can be activated easily in WordPress either by plug ins or through your C-Panel.
- Your site looks good on mobile phones.
- Images are compressed and have the relevant keywords.
- Browser caching is implemented.
- You are not receiving links from shady websites like linkfarms or doing reciprocal linking.
- Unnecessary plugins and scripts have been removed. Your site loads fast. You can check how fast your site loads by putting in your website address in the search bar here:
- Compressing images will help your site’s S.E.O. by loading faster. There are again plug ins to do that or upload smaller pictures.
- Removing all deadlinks is a great way to increase your ranking.
- Adding fresh content is essential to rank well in S.E.O. The search engines want to provide a great user experience for the people using them. A good way to do this is by favoring websites that have up to date content. Blogging is perfect for adding content if the front end of your website is complete and more static.