Which is better Divi or Elementor?

Divi and Elementor are two very popular WordPress builders: which one is better?

If you do your research, you will find that some website designers swear by Divi and others swear by Elementor. They both are right as both builders offer strong capabilities. If you plan on building your own website or more for your digital business, you most probably will need to use one or the other. Some online marketers actually like to alternate between using Divi and Elementor. This alone shows you that both builder plugins offer great value.

Divi vs Elementor price comparison:

Elementor offers a free basic version which is enough for a newbie. You will realize what elements are included in the paying Pro version when you work in the Elementor dashboard and click on something that is not included in the free version.

If you decide to upgrade to Elementor Pro, at the time of writing, it was raging from 49$ to 199$ per year. They do not have a lifetime price. You can check-out the Elementor pricing here.

Divi does not offer a free version but has a lifetime price of 249$ at the time of writing or a 89$ per year pricing.

So, if you only need to build one simple site, the free option of Elementor might be exactly what you need.

If you plan on creating many websites, then Divi would be a little advantageous.

Divi vs Elementor

Divi vs Elementor: Design Elements

Both Divi and Elementor have strengths and weaknesses when it comes to their design interface and capability. You can easily play around Elementor because it offers a free version. They both offer ready-made templates that you can edit with zero coding. Eventually, you will need to decide on one and learn as much as you can by designing your website with it. In the end, if you have the means and time, getting both would load-up your toolbox of web designs. Only consider using both if you have a lot of websites to create so it is worth your time to learn both although they have similarities.

Divi vs Elementor: Speed Factor

Reports of the speed of Divi sites vs Elementors are actually contradictory. Many reports even put Elementor and Divi builders neck and neck when it comes to speed.

Always keep in mind that the more widgets and elements you add, the slower your site will be.

Divi vs Elementor: available themes and templates

Finally a category where there is a clear difference. Divi has over 1000 templates as Elementor has around 300+ at the time of writing. Keep in mind that you only need one template.

There are also many templates and themes for both offered outside their platform but you have to be very careful where you get your templates as they could have viruses and hacks built-in.

As you can see, both Elementor and Divi are solid WordPress sites builders that offer you pretty much everything you need to build beautiful and responsive websites. If you need opt-in forms both have widgets to help you capture your visitors email and Name.

In the end, only you can decide by using them which builder is the one you prefer to use: Elementor or Divi?