How to make money with a blog
How to make money online with a blog
Blogs have become a great way to market your internet marketing business. There are several important reasons to utilize blogs, including:
- They are easy to set up and have powerful marketing benefits. You have created your WordPress site hopefully so setting-up your blog will be a breeze.
- You can easily set-up your website to be linked to a homepage and then your blog can be running on a different page. Just go in your WordPress dashboard, click on reading, click on your homepage display. Set your homepage to be a static page and your blog page to be a page you called blog.
- The beauty of having a blog is that you set your own rules and will not see your posts rejected for some kind of reason
- Once they are set up, you can post new content to drive traffic to your website every day.
- Search engines love blogs when they post fresh content
- You can offer products, affiliate links, AdSense links and links to other sites. Blogs are a great way to show people your offers.
- Your blog posts can be about anything. You do not risk to be rejected because you posted in the wrong category.
- You need to post regularly on your blog. You can hire a person to create blog posts for you but that can become costly on the long run.
- When writing your blog post’ title, imagine what people are searching in the search engines. Imagine what you would type in the search bar to land on your blog post. Most titles with “how to” and “ten tips” are very popular. You can also get inspired by what the search engines suggest as you type. These are popular searches.
- It is said that a good blog post length or page should be between 2000 and 3000 words which is lengthy but that is what the search engines favor.
- If you post links in your blog post, they should be relevant to the topic your are discussing.
- Images in blog posts are helping your reader to breathe. Bullets points also nicely separate your text.
There are millions of Blogs, so yours needs to stand out!
When you are setting up your blog, you can use a blog website or you can set it up on your own URL. There are several free services available that make it easy to complete this process from scratch. You can also create your own free blog at GrooveFunnels now.
Once you have your blog set up, you can begin to post content and start marketing. Your blog content needs to be regularly posted and unique to attract attention. I realize that you may come out of this lesson a bit frustrated with the lack of step-by-step instructions, but blogging is a comprehensive topic and this course is just for beginners. Always write in your own voice. If you do not like to write, you can use a voice to text software.
Next lesson: Working at Home Moms
To your online success,
P.S. Set up your blog TODAY!!