How to have fun while making money online
Welcome to the ninth day of the email course called, “Just for Fun.” This is one of the 40 powerful email courses provided by THE BIG INTERNET MARKETING GAME.COM.
Today’s Lesson:
How to have fun while making money online
Okay, maybe you need a little break from all of the internet marketing talk. This section is just to make you think, laugh and have a little fun (Of course I am trying to keep it relevant to internet marketing).
Are you Doing What you Love??
I have often heard that you should “treat your internet marketing venture as a BUSINESS, not as a hobby”. It has also been said that if you are doing what you love, that you will do it well.
Click on the link here to get instant access to my FUN mini-course showing you how to build your first funnel in one to two hours!
Here are some great quotes to make you think and hopefully smile:
“Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”
“Build your well before you get thirsty”. Willie Crawford
“When you see very successful people, you have to ask them how many years it took them to become an overnight success.” Len Thurmond
“Give the world something to click on and you will get traffic.” Harald Anderson
“It is not lonely at the top. It’s crowded at the bottom. There’s plenty of room at the top.” Tony Robbins
“You have all of the knowledge…Just do it.” Rick Raddatz
Go to my website, if you would like to read more interesting and inspiring quotes. You can also download my FREE MP3 recording if you really want to work at building your internet marketing business!
To learn more about this lesson, click
Next lesson: Accepting Payment.
You are a winner at The Big Internet Marketing Game!
P.S. As you begin to master each of the steps in TheBigInternetMarketingGame, think about this quote, “Making money online is like a magic show. Once you know the tricks, it’s simple.” John Reese