How to be a great salesperson without selling

How to be a great salesperson even if you hate selling

No one is born a salesperson. You grow into it. It does help if both your parents had a brick-and-mortar store and you grew-up behind the cash register.

We are now seeing children raised by parents that are digital marketers and who are starting their online business at a very young age. Some have become millionaires just by having very popular social media channels. Often, these young entrepreneurs are not even trying to sell and just seem to be having fun.

The money follows them as these influencers have a large following that is very interesting to any company.

What are the qualities of a great salesperson?

A great salesperson is often not selling. They are certainly not pushy and they provide value to their audience. This value could be purely entertaining.

A great salesperson does not need to have great clothes, a radio announcer voice, or even look good. They just have to be genuine.

There is so much noise on the internet nowadays, that a great salesperson is usually a very persistent person. Rarely will a person become an overnight success. Although it may seem that way when you look back most started a long time before becoming famous.

How to become a great salesperson


Sometimes, a digital marketer will simply answer a question unrelated to the product they are selling and that is enough to convince the customer to buy from them.

This is a good reason to always treat everyone right as you never know who will buy from you.

In the long run, a great salesperson always has good integrity. Yes, some digital marketers sell low-quality products but in the long run, they run out of people to sell to.

Mike Filsaime, the founder of GrooveFunnel, is a hard-working great salesman who has sold for over one million dollars in less than 24 hours multiple times. Many of his customers are loyal to him as they know his integrity and fairness.  He is the co-founder of Kartra and respected his two-year non-competition agreement when he parted from the company. He is now launching a platform called GrooveDigital which offers everything a digital marketer could need.

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