15 tricks to write great sales letters for Newbies
15 tricks to write great sales letters for Newbies
1) Get to the point fast.
2) If you want your customer to do one thing, tell him, and then repeat it a couple of times.
3) Do not overwhelm your customer with confusing messages and lots of flashing buttons to click. He will leave without doing anything.
4) Your sales letter should only be as long as your message.
5) Offer a clear solution to your customer’s problem.
6) Appeal to your customer’s emotions. Make sure you appeal to all the different personalities not just yours.
7) Make your sales letter pleasant to the eyes. Your paragraphs should be small and use bullet points and headers when needed.
8) For your customers in a hurry, make sure your headlines are revealing a lot. Sometimes, that is all they will read.
9) Do not highlight everything and use lots of colors. Less is more. You do not want your sales letter to look like a Christmas tree. That would seem unprofessional.
10) Create a folder or even a physical binder and collect the sales letters you like the most. Never copy a sales letter but read them to get the structure of a proper sales letter.
11) If you feel the need to, hire a copywriter. Some are very expensive. I heard of one copywriter who charged 20K to write one sales letter.
12) Your customer is the center of attention of your sales letter, not you.
13) Dam Lok a very talented copywriter reveals some copywriting secrets here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3P8_Yqe9nk
14) You can always decide to take a copywriting course but keep in mind that this should not prevent you from building your business and creating your content.
15) Make sure your product is great. Because no matter how good your sales letter is, your product will not sell if it is not good.
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