The top 11 mistakes to avoid in copywriting

The top 11 mistakes to avoid in copywriting

  1. Writing in the first person. A good copy needs to be written with your user in mind and should be written in the “YOU” form. No many people will be interested if you write about yourself. If you do not believe me, remember all those times you met a new person. Who was the one you felt connected the most to? The one who took interest in you of course.
  2. Writing too many details. Let”s not kid ourselves: most of your brilliant writing will never be read. Unless you re famous but even then if your readers are greeted with a 10 pages sales letter, they will go away. People are going more and more for bite-size content.
  3. On the opposite, your sales letter is too short. People might be reluctant to click on your link if they do not know what it is you are actually offering. So, great content says just enough but nor more than what is needed.
  4. Being too vague or complicated. It has been said many times that a confused mind does not buy. Make sure that your reader understands what you are offering.
  5. Of course, being deceptive. Avoid using deceptive tactics and small prints that contradict your text. You might make a sale but you will lose a customer. top 11 mistakes to avoid in copywriting
  6. Do not insult your customer. There are a couple of digital marketers who tried to copy the one guy who made money insulting people and that is just awful to watch.
  7. Being boring. Your copy might be very accurate with lots of graphics and everything but it might be dry and boring.
  8. Lacking emotions. You have to address your costumer’s emotions first. People buy out of emotions, address them.
  9. Assuming your client is just like you. If you are writing from your point of view and neglecting what your costumer’s pain points are, you will not get a good success rate. There are many digital marketing approaches that incorporate addressing the different personality types (like the DISC® approach).
  10. Lacking a clear call to action. Clearly tell your reader what they need to do. The big green access or buy buttons have been tested and work.
  11. Having too many things going on. Some digital marketers out of the fear to lose any sales have more than one monetization link on their pages. If there are too many links and whistles, your reader will leave without taking any action. When it comes to selling links on a page, less is more.If you are ready to create your pages or funnels, get GrooveFunnels for free, and start writing. Click on the image below to get instant access to Groovefunnels (this is not a free trial, this is really free access).

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