Selling Your Own Products


Selling Your Own Products


There are many products you can sell on the internet. Actually, you can buy almost everything on the web, including some very doubtful products or services. You, of course, will always offer good quality products.

Some people have made a fortune selling physical products through the internet. You can choose to do drop shipping and never deal with the product management per se. This means you just relay the orders to the seller and get a good commission. You have to be aware though that when a reseller tells you he sold for a gazillion dollars, you have to wonder how much was his net income.

Being a reseller or a affiliate has its pros and con. On the one hand, you do not have to create products or services and deal with customer services. On the other hand, you are making less money than if you sold your own products. Furthermore, you are at the mercy of the seller who can change his terms of services, block you, “forget” to pay you like it happened in the past!

how to sell your own products

The advantage of such a marketing strategy is that you do not have the stress of dealing with many employees, the burden of taking care of shipments and customs, etc, etc. On the other hand, a person who sells directly to the customer usually gets a higher commission as she eliminates the middle man.

Selling digital products has helped many internet marketers make their first million on the internet. With the advent of audio and video popularity growing fantastically, new audio and video products have been mushrooming. 

The most successful digital marketers are actually the ones selling products showing how to make money…selling digital products.

The situation is similar to the Gold Rush where the people who made  the most money were the ones selling shovels to the miners who hoped to strike rich,

how to make money selling your products

You are actually in luck if your expertise is NOT in digital marketing. The market is kind of saturated.

You may feel like your knowledge on building bird houses is not worth much but you would be surprised at how many people would want your mini-course, step-by-step e-book or even your ready-made unique birdhouses.

Russell Brunson made tens of millions of dollars as a digital marketer. He started by selling a video showing how to build your own potato gun! When he saw that he was having success, he started offering kits to build your own potato gun and that sold well also.

The takeaway from his experience is that you should always search for more products that you could offer your loyal customers.





How does one write an e-book? How does one create a cool video or audio product? Where can a person find the material to create or sell an e-book or podcast for a reasonable price when starting in the internet marketing business?

If you are an expert in your own niche, creating an e-book or actually uploading a book you have already written will be easy. If you are teaching people in your niche or coaching people, it will also be very easy to record yourself thus creating an information packed video or audio that your customer will be happy to buy.

When writing an e-book, you will need to convert it into a PDF document because Word documents tend to shift and can be changed. Some people will try to sell you a PDF converter for hundreds of dollars but there is a FREE program that does it for you. You can download Open Office, an open source software, here: The beauty of this program is that it is very easy to use. Once you have created a written document, you only need to click on the PDF function and “Voilà!” you have a PDF file.

Honestly, most PDF are considered of low value and are hard to sell. They are better as free giveaways to get people into your funnel.

How to sell your own products


It is a good thing to always save your original text document, not only the PDF version of it. Hence, if you see a typo (and believe me there will be typos) or want to change the text, you can change it and re-do a new PDF document. If you are stuck with just a PDF document and need to change the text in it, there are programs that will allow you to re-convert your PDF into a word document. or edit your PDF but they cost money and the results can be frustrating.

What happens though if you are not the expert in your field but still want to sell products? Two options are offered to you:

1) You can either become an affiliate for someone who has a great product on this topic. Let’s face it, you cannot learn everything about everything and people are willing to pay you for your research work as long as they get good value. You can find good affiliate products by going to Clickbank or doing a search for what you are looking for and the word affiliate on internet. You can also go back to the square about affiliate marketing on the board game.

2) You can also hire a ghostwriter to write your e-book. Sometimes though, the product they deliver is unusable. Furthermore, this solution is sometimes frustrating as people tend to procrastinate and not deliver the product on time.

Here is a funny anecdote just for you!

sell products on the net
I sell self-hypnosis recordings to help people with whatever problem they have at

One day, I received an e-mail from a person asking me if I had a self-hypnosis recording for people who tend to procrastinate. I answered YES!…That is the end of the story as I never heard back from the person.

3) The third solution is to use PLR (private label rights products) and sell them. These products are usually of inferior quality, have been written by average writers and you own the rights to use them and change them any way you want.

You can also get the master resell rights that allows you to resell the rights and make more money. Honestly though, the only person who seems to be making money with PLR products is the original person selling those products.

You could use PLR e-books as a base to modify and improve your own products. They are so cheap that this would give you a very affordable insurance against the blank page syndrome.

make money online

Grab your FREE access to this very thorough PLR service that offers you good products on how to write e-books and how to use private label rights stuff to create e-books and make money.

Even though, all these products are tagged to be sold for 37$ a piece, they are yours for FREE! 

This huge package contains many valuable  products like e-books, videos of good quality, etc.

By getting this great package, you will kill two birds with one stone. Hence, you will get solid information on digital marketing and you will also be able to see what a PLR product looks like. 

Analyze the products in the optic of seeing if you can see yourself doing business using PLR products.

4) If you are ready to create your own digital product, start writing! Do not worry about typos. You will catch them when you edit. Avoid complicated jargon that only you would understand. It is recommended that you write as if you were speaking to a nine year old. Consider adding images. It will make your text more pleasant and costs nothing as you will not be printing your e-book.

5) You may be more incline to create a video course. Get starting! It does not need to be perfect. Talk in your own voice and do not try to copy anyone. It would come out as not natural.

6) If you do not like to write but feel like you want to create text or an e-book, consider using a voice to text software. Be patient, especially in the beginning as they need to be “trained” to recognize your voice. Click on the image below to get Dragon Speech to text software.



The Big Internet Marketing Game


1) See if you have your own product of value to offer to your visitors. It could be a book you already have written and want to repackage as an e-book. You could sell it as a book. Many authors have given their books for free, people just pay shipping and handling and built a huge list and made millions of dollars in upsells.

2) If you need a PDF converting program, download open office now and play with it for a while. You will realize it highly looks like a program you already know. Visit:

3) Whenever you are giving a seminar or a conference, consider recording or videotaping yourself and creating a product with the content.

4) Click on the image to see the entire package of PLR products that I did not want to separate and that can enable you to create your own products for pennies.


See you on the next square!

The Big Internet Marketing Game



The Big Internet Marketing GameThe Big Internet Marketing Game