How to work from home and make money
You can work from home and make good money with your online business
Working from home has been very popular since the world pandemic caused by COVID-19 in 2020. It still is. Many workers had to rethink their workspace and make due with working from home. Some digital marketers saw the occasion to launch their online business and went for it.
If you have not started your online business, go to Groove now and create your first funnel using the simple drag and drop editor NOW.
How can you work from home though when there are so many distractions and obstacles?
Here are the top 16 tips to work from home in your digital business and make good money
- Decide of a space that will be dedicated to your computer or laptop. Some creative digital marketers concluded that the only place they could be quiet at home was in a closet! It is actually pretty easy to set-up a cute office in a closet.
- If you have children and a spouse, make sure they understand that even though you are in the house, you are working and cannot be disturbed.
- A great way to secure your family’s support in your digital business is to include them. They often love to be in your videos or help you out choose images or take pictures.
- Make sure that your family is doing its share of the house tasks with cooking and cleaning.
- If you find that it is almost impossible to get anything done in your house, do like J K Rowling and go to a café with internet. You can even bring earphones to isolate yourself. As long as your order once in a while something, they usually tolerate you. The other option is to go to your local library.
- Show your family what you are working on. They will feel included and they will support you more.
- Make sure you take frequent pauses to move around and keep yourself hydrated. Allow yourself pauses for meals like you would do at work.
- Sometimes, when stuck on a problem taking a break and going outside either alone or with your children will revive your creative flow.
- Make your working area fun and comfortable
- Although many people like to work in their pajamas, if you see that it kind of drags you down, get dressed before getting at your workplace in your house.
- Congratulate yourself and reward yourself frequently as it can get lonely and you might feel like you are working very hard and getting no results. There is a delay before your work gets picked-up on the web. Keep at it.
- Avoid like the plague wasting your time on tempting videos of cats or endless discussions on Facebook that go nowhere.
- If you can, find an accountability buddy that will keep you progressing and you will do the same for her.
- Take a day off once in a while. When you come back, you will be amazed at how much your motivation has increased.
- Do not forget to take vacations. If you are on vacation, it is okay to attend your online business for a small part of the day but do enjoy yourself. You deserve it!
- If you have not done so, create your first funnel on Groove to start your online business.