How to use Thrive Theme to host your online course

Hosting your online course with Thrive theme is an interesting option

If you want to host your online course on your WordPress website, you can do it many ways. One way is to use the Thrive theme and suite especially the Thrive Architect function which will break down your online course like other platforms do into modules, lessons, quizzes, etc

Thrive theme for online course

Thrive architect is part of an 11 elements complete package called Thrive Suite which includes:

  1. Thrive theme: a choice of many themes to host your online course, build opt-in forms, build funnels, etc
  2. The Thrive theme builder, a plugin,  which is a “wysiwyg’ editor meaning you simply edit the text, pictures, videos and do not need any coding experience.
  3. The Thrive Architect Theme. You get to wonder why they do not use different names not to confuse people? One is the builder plugin and the other one is the theme.
  4. The Thrive Quizz Builder. Having quizzes in your courses or even before your courses is a great way to engage your visitors.
  5. The Thrive leads– a simple plugin to capture your visitors’ email and build your list of customers
  6. The Thrive optimize an easy to use split tester to select the best converting headlines or videos, etc
  7. The Thrive Comments to increase engagement. You will need to monitor this against spammers especially is you have a free side of your Thrive website.
  8. Thrive Apprentice is the tool that will help you build your online course. You can charge for your course or offer it for free.
  9. Thrive Ovations is a nice add-on to effortlessly collect testimonials, another strong trust builder.
  10. Thrive Ultimatum is a countdown to create scarcity. You decide if you want to use this tactic as it can be perceived as kind of manipulative when your visitors can come back and still have access to your course. If your course is good, they will want to have it and you might not need to a countdown to falsely pressure your visitor into getting your course.
  11. You also get support by their customer support and access to their experienced community.

At the time writing, February 2021, the monthly membership is 19$ per month but they say it can increase at any time.

If you want to learn what happens if you stop your membership, please visit:

From what we understand, you would still keep all that you already built with Thrive.