How to start making money online
The Internet Marketing Success Blueprint
1) Identify and research your target market
2) Choose and secure one or more domain names
3) Get web site hosting
4) Learn or outsource web design. Consider WordPress or GrooveFunnels, both FREE.
5) Design or have your web site designed
6) Create an opt-in page
7) Get an Facebook, YouTube ads account or similar advertising agency
8) Start posting on a blog tied to your site
9) Drive traffic to your site. Consider opening a YouTube Channel and posting your videos.
10) Write or outsource articles
11) Start an ad campaign or other pay per click campaign. Learn the proper way to do a targeted campaign and not waste your money.
12) Find affiliate products or services you can promote
13) Create or outsource the creation of your own products
14) Get a merchant account
15) Get a shopping cart. Grab your FREE shopping cart at GrooveSell.
16) Open an account with PayPal or other payment agency
17) Consider offline strategies to drive traffic to your site. Giving radio interviews or free conferences are great ways.
18) Write and publish press releases
19) Create an auto-responder series for your newsletter
20) Take a vacation! Or better yet, go to an Internet Marketing seminar!
21) Lather, rinse and repeat!
22) Understand and accept that it takes months to years to be an overnight success in digital marketing!