Accepting Payment


Accepting Payment


First things first, you need to know the difference between a shopping cart and a payment processor.

Imagine that you are at your favorite store (we are not mentioning Wal’s mart.) 😂, The items you are putting in your shopping cart has been identified with a bar code and priced and inventoried by the merchant.

Then you go to the checkout and scan every item in your shopping cart and at the checkout you pay. If you pay by credit card, the transaction is processing through a payment processor that will charge your favorite store a transaction fee. 

As an online business, you will need a shopping cart if you are selling things (they can be physical or digital) and a payment processor.

Get GrooveSell for FREE

There are again thousands of shopping carts and payment processors out there but only a few that are marketer’s favorites. I will make this section as simple as 1-2-3 for you.

SAMCART is such a shopping cart but it also offers all the bells and whistles you need to succeed such as a salespage builder, cart abandonment function, upsells, downsells, split testing, etc


Payment Processor in Digital Marketing






  If you are looking for a turn-key system, GrooveSEll offers a free shopping cart. They provide a:

   1. Shopping cart
   2. Payment processor and let you accept credit card payments
   3. You get an auto-responder service, essential to keep offering products and services to your existing customers
   4. They have a complete affiliate program if you want other marketers to promote your products and get a commission.
        …and much more 


  The sign-up is actually FREE to GrooveSell 

They can offer “FREE. because they are charging a transaction fee but any merchant account do too.

Their shopping cart called GrooveSell has a limited version and you can create you cloud-based store without having to bother with hosting, domain name etc. Honestly, if you only build a store in the clouds that will not make you rich. You will need to charter planes (i.e. drive traffic to your GrooveSEll pages) to make anything.


     If you are only looking for a payment processing company, I found that GroovePay has competitive fees and will be a great place to have all your internet tools in one place. 

I use Paypal® and I am very happy with it. You can open an account here:


I highly encourage you to do a Google search for shopping cart and payment processors and compare them and get the one that fits your needs most.

Shopping cart for digital marketing

I have online marketing friends who got their merchant account shut down or put on hold for 6 months because they made too much money in a short period of time!

Now, they know better and call their merchant account ahead and warn them that they will be doing a launch (in internet marketing many launches resulted in over one million dollars in sales in less than 24 hours!- John Reese was the first one to achieve such an exploit)

My merchant account got shot down after many years because I was selling self-hypnosis recordings (which is a natural state of mind that we all experience many times per day).Hypnotic Digital Marketing

Which brings me to my last topic:


I frequently receive emails from people who want my products but are not comfortable giving their credit card numbers over the net and want to send me a check or money order. I sometimes give in their request but find it a lot of trouble (they forget to calculate the shipping fees, send the wrong amount (always less than needed), I have to go to the bank, etc, etc

You can decide altogether to refuse other forms of payment and that will be fine My experience is that, by simply answering their email, it gave them confidence enough that the next morning they passed an order with their credit card.


The Big Internet Marketing Game



Here is your call to action in choosing a payment processor and insuring that your customers feel confident in trusting you with their hard-earned money.

     1) Find a shopping cart you trust and want to use. 

I recommend GrooveKart  or SAMCART.

     2) Find a merchant account you trust and want to use.

I recommend Paypal or GroovePay         

Groove services                         

See you on the next square!

Internet Marketing Online


P.s. I had one of my merchant accounts closed after five years because I am selling hypnosis for childbirth recordings! I have opened another one at 


The Big Internet Marketing GameThe Big Internet Marketing Game